Monday, September 24, 2007

Marian-Webster Headquarters Marched On By Truth-In-Prefixes Protesters

Members of the Truth-In-Prefixes movement turned out in great numbers over the weekend to bring their concerns over the English language's inconsistent use of prefixes straight to the source. Those fat cats at Marian-Webster. They argue that, among other things, if a word makes use of a prefix, the base word logically must be recognized as a word and represented in the dictionary. For instance, many of the protesters are disgruntled that they cannot find gruntled in dictionary. They are sick and tired of being forced to choose between being overwhelmed and underwhelmed and want to usher in a new era where whelmed is not defined as:
1. To cover with water; submerge.
2. To overwhelm.
Instead, they demand that whelmed's definition reflects the absence of its prefix.

Protest organizers said they were very pleased with the turnout and everyone seemed to have a gruntled time. However, they did acknowledge that, in retrospect, the event may have been more successful at getting it's message across had it been held during normal business hours instead of the weekend.

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